Interested in seeing how many are opening and clicking on your emails, reminders and invites?  We can help track and expose that information in an easy graph.  To enable this, all you need to do is turn on the configuration to Track Email Delivery.  This is done on the admin dashboard and click on Action and then Configuration.  There you will need to filter on General.  There is a configuration to Track Email Delivery.  Make sure that is set to true/yes. 

Once that is set, all emails we send out will be tracked for opens and clicks.  By default, all of our emails are tracked for bounces and SPAM.  Now when you go into the user dashboard, you should see a graph with Email Performance.  That will show the last 2,3 months of emails vs open vs click counts.  To get to the user dashboard, just login as an admin and go to Users.  Please note that when you turn it on, it will start tracking at that point in time.  Any prior emails will not be tracked or show results. 

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