If your instance is on the Premium or Pro plan, you will get a phone number linked to your instance.  This phone number can be used to send and receive text messages.  Volunteers can text this phone number to check in for service.  So they can text in things like:

  • Checkin - This will check them in for their scheduled sign-up.
  • Checkin Help bookeeping - This will check them in for a "General Sign-Up" defaulting to 1 hour of service.  If they text Checkout, we will update that time to the actual end time.
  • Checkout - Will check out the volunteer from any sign-up they are currently checked in for.
  • Sick - Cancels the volunteer sign ups in the next 24 hours.

If this type of check-in is selected for an event, we will send them the phone number to text on their confirmation and reminder email.

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